左易灵,(1991.01- ),女,山西临汾人,理学博士,讲师
2010.9--2014.6 山西省吕梁师范学院 生物科学学士学位
2014.9--2017.6 河北大学生命科学学院 植物学硕士学位
2018.9--2022.6 河北大学生命科学学院 动物学(生物学)博士学位
2. 内生真菌与中药材及环境互作机制研究
主要参与3项国家自然科学基金项目、河北省自然科学基金项目,并主持完成河北省研究生创新项目1项。目前在《Journal of Fungi》、《Applied Soil Ecology》、《Microbiological Research》、《Frontiers in Plant Science》、《Symbiosis》《Agronomy》、《环境学报》、《生态学报》等高水平期刊发表多篇文章。
《河北大学校园草木彩色图谱》, 贺学礼, 李夏, 贺超, 路斌, 韩丽,左易灵, 侯力峰. 科学出版社, 北京. 2021, 12.
1)Yiling Zuo; Chao He; Dongdong Zhang; Lili Zhao; Xueli He; Xiang Sun ; Soil variables driven by host plant and growth season affect soil microbial composition and metabolism in extremely arid desert ecosystems, Microbiological Research, 2023, 269: 127315.
2)Zuo Yiling, Li Xia, Yang Jingya, Liu Jiaqiang, Zhao Lili, He Xueli (2021). Fungal endophytic community and diversity associated with desert shrubs driven by plant identity and organ differentiation in extremely arid desert ecosystem. Journal of Fungi, 7(7), 578. (JCRQ1, IF = 5.724)
3)Zuo Yiling, Hu Qiannan, Qin le, Liu Jiaqiang, He Xueli (2022). Species identity and combinations differ in their overall benefits to Astragalus adsurgens plants inoculated with single or multiple endophytic fungi under drought conditions. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, 933738. (JCRQ1, IF = 6.627; Top期刊)
4)Zuo Yiling, Hu Qiannan, Zhang Kaixun, He Xueli (2022). Host and tissue affiliations of culturable endophytic fungi associated with xerophytic plants in the desert region of Northwest China. Agronomy, 12, 727. (JCRQ1, IF = 3.94)
5)Zuo Yiling, Hu Qiannan, Liu Jiaqiang, He Xueli (2022). Relationship of root dark septate endophytes and soil factors to plant species and seasonal variation in extremely arid desert in Northwest China. Applied Soil Ecology, 175, 104454. (JCRQ2, IF = 5.509)
6)Zuo Yiling, He Chao, He Xueli, Li Xia, Wang Shaojie (2020). Plant cover of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus and soil factors shape soil microbial community and catabolic functional diversity in the arid desert in Northwest China. Applied Soil Ecology, 147, 103389. (JCRQ2, IF = 5.509)
7)Zuo Yiling, Su Fang, He Xueli, Li Min (2020). Colonization by dark septate endophytes improves the growth of Hedysarum scoparium under multiple inoculum levels. Symbiosis, 82, 201–214. (JCRQ4, IF = 3.109)
8)Zuo Yiling, He Chao, Zhang Dongdong, Zhao Lili, He Xueli, Sun Xiang (2023). Desert shrubs and edaphic factors drive the seasonal responses in composition and metabolism of soil microbial community in extremely arid ecosystems. Microbiological Research, 269: 127315. (JCRQ2, IF= 5.070)
9) Han Li,Zuo Yiling, He Xueli, Hou Yiting, Li Min, Li Baoku (2021). Plant identity and soil variables shift the colonisation and species composition of dark septate endophytes associated with medicinal plants in a northern farmland in China. Applied Soil Ecology, 167, 104042. (JCRQ2, IF = 5.509)
10) Hou Lifeng, Li Xia, He Xueli,Zuo Yiling, Zhang Dongdong, Zhao Lili (2021). Effect of dark septate endophytes on plant performance of Artemisia ordosica and associated soil microbial functional group abundance under salt stress. Applied Soil Ecology, 165, 103998. (JCRQ2, IF = 5.509)
11) Li Min, Hou Lifeng, Liu Jiaqiang Yang Jingya,Zuo Yiling, Zhao Lili, He Xueli (2021). Growth-promoting effects of dark septate endophytes on the non-mycorrhizal plant Isatis indigotica under different water conditions. Symbiosis, 85, 291–303. (JCRQ4, IF = 3.109)
12) Xue Zike, He Xueli,Zuo Yiling(2020). Community composition and catabolic functional diversity of soil microbes affected by Hedysarum scoparium in arid desert regions of northwest China. Arid Land Research and Management, 34, 152-170. (JCRQ4, IF = 1.955)
13) Li Xia, He Xueli, Zhou Yong, Hou Yiting,Zuo Yiling(2019). Effects of Dark Septate Endophytes on the Performance of Hedysarum scoparium Under Water Deficit Stress. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2019: 10. (JCRQ1, IF = 6.627)
14)左易灵,贺学礼*,王少杰,赵丽莉.磷脂脂肪酸(PLFA)法检测蒙古沙冬青根围土壤微生物群落结构.环境科学, 2016, 37(7): 2705-2713.
15)刘加强,左易灵,贺学礼,候力峰.镉胁迫下深色有隔内生真菌对玉米生长和根际土壤养分的影响.菌物研究. 2021, 19(03).
16)李烨东,左易灵,张开逊,赵丽莉,贺学礼,王亮.极旱荒漠灌丛AM真菌与土壤因子相关性.河北大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 3(40): 291-300.
17)李欣玫,左易灵,薛子可,张琳琳,赵丽莉,贺学礼.不同荒漠植物根际土壤微生物群落结构特征.生态学报,2018, 38(8):2855-2863.
18)王少杰,左易灵,薛子可,贺学礼*.蒙古沙冬青深色有隔内生真菌磷脂脂肪酸生物标记研究.西北农业学报, 2017, 26(5): 781-789.
19)郭亚楠,左易灵,贺学礼*.蒙古沙冬青AM真菌定殖和球囊霉素与土壤因子的相关性研究.中国科技论文在线, 2017, 12(9): 128-133.
20)薛子可,左易灵,贺学礼*.西北荒漠带花棒根际土壤微生物群落功能多样性研究.河北大学农业学报, 2017, 40(3): 65-71.
21)王姣姣,强薇,刘海跃,葛佳丽,左易灵,贺学礼*.极旱荒漠植物对AM真菌物种多样性的影响.菌物学报, 2017, 36(7): 861-869.