职称:教授 博士生导师
邮箱:xlh3615@126.com, xuelh1256@aliyun.com
2.贺学礼主编.植物生物学实验指导.北京:科学出版社, 2020.
3.贺学礼等编著.白洋淀高等植物彩色图谱.北京:科学出版社, 2018.
4.贺学礼主编.植物生物学.北京:科学出版社, 2017.
5.贺学礼主编.植物学.北京:科学出版社, 2016.
6.贺学礼主编.植物学.北京:高等教育出版社, 2010,普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材
7.贺学礼主编.植物学学习指南.北京:高等教育出版社, 2004,普通高等教育“十五”国家级规划教材
8.张宪省,贺学礼主编.植物学.北京:中国农业出版社, 2003,全国高等农林院校面向21世纪教材
9.贺学礼主编.植物学典型题解析.西安:西北工业大学出版社, 2001.

5.国家自然科学基金面上项目“中国绢蒿属[Seriphidium (Bess.) Poljark.]分类学订正及其生态地理分布格局研究”(30470133),2005.01-2007.12,主持
12. 河北省自然科学基金面上项目“丹参AM真菌培育、生物活性及其共生效应研究”(08B030),2008.01-2010.12,主持
[1]Li M, He C, Wei M, Long J, Wang J, Yang X, Wang K,He X*. Temporal and spatial dynamics and functional metabolism of dark septate endophytes ofGymnocarpos przewalskii Maxim. in Northwest Desert, China. Applied Soil Ecology, 2024, 194:105194(IF: 5.509)
[2] LiW, Yao J, He C, Ren Y, Zhao L,He X*.The synergy of dark septate endophytes and organic residue onIsatis indigoticagrowth and active ingredients accumulation under drought stress. Industrial Crops & Products, 2023, 203:117147(IF: 5.9)
[3] Zuo Y, He C, Zhang D, Zhao L,He X*, Sun X. Soil variables driven by host plant and growth season affect soil microbial composition and metabolism in extremely arid desert ecosystems.Microbiological Research, 2023, 269:127315(IF: 6.7)
[4] Liu J, Sun X, Zuo Y, Hu Q,He X*. Plant species shape the bacterial communities on the phyllosphere in a hyper-arid desert.Microbiological Research, 2023, 269:127314(IF: 6.7)
[5] Xu M, Li X, Ye Q, Gong F,He X*. Occurrence of dark septate endophytes inPhragmites australis in Baiyang Lake and their resistance to Cd stress.Pedosphere, 2023, 33(IF: 5.7)
[6] Li M., Ren Y, He C, Yao J, Wei M, He X*. Complementary effects of dark septate endophytes andTrichoderma strains on growth and active ingredient accumulation ofAstragalus mongholicus under drought stress.Journal of Fungi, 2022, 8: 920(IF: 4.7)
[7] Zuo Y, Hu Q, Liu J,He X*. Relationship of root dark septate endophytes and soil factors to plant species and seasonal variation in extremely arid desert in Northwest China.Applied Soil Ecology, 2022, 175:104454(IF: 5.509)
[8] Zuo Y, Hu Q, Qin L, Liu J,He X*. Species identity and combinations differ in their overall benefits toAstragalus adsurgensplants inoculated with single or multiple endophytic fungi under droughtconditions.Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13:933738(IF:5.6)
[9]Zuo Y, Hu Q, Zhang K,He X*. Host and tissue affiliations of culturable endophytic fungi associated with xerophytic plants in the desert region of Northwest China.Agronomy, 2022, 12:727(IF: 2.1)
[10] Li W, Zhao L,He X*. Degradation potential of different lignocellulosic residues byTrichoderma longibrachiatum andTrichoderma afroharzianum under solid state fermentation.Process Biochemistry, 2022, 112:6-17(IF: 4.4)
[11] Li X, Liu Y, Ye Q, Xu M,He X*. Application of desert DSEs to nonhost plants: potential to promote growth and alleviate drought stress of wheat seedlings.Agriculture, 2022,12:1539(IF: 3.6)
[12] Li X, Zhang X, Xu M, Ye Q, Gao H, He X*. Improved tolerance ofArtemisia ordosicato drought stress via dark septate endophyte (DSE) symbiosis.Journal of Fungi, 2022, 8:730(IF: 4.7)
[13] Zhao L, Zhang K, Sun X, He X*. Dynamics of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and glomalin in the rhizosphere ofGymnocarpos przewalskii in Northwest Desert, China.Applied Soil Ecology, 2022, 170:104251(IF: 5.509)
[14] Han L, Shi J, He C,He X*. Temporal and spatial dynamics of dark septate endophytes in the roots ofLycium ruthenicum in the desert region of Northwest China.Agronomy, 2021, 11:648(IF: 2.1)
[15] Han L, Zuo Y,He X*, Hou Y, Li M, Li B. Plant identity and soil variables shift the colonisation and species composition of dark septate endophytes associated with medicinal plants in a northern farmland in China.Applied Soil Ecology, 2021, 167:104042(IF: 5.509)
[16] Hou L, Li X,He X*, Zuo Y, Zhang D, Zhao L. Effect of dark septate endophytes on plant performance ofArtemisia ordosica and associated soil microbial functional group abundance under salt stress. Applied Soil Ecology, 2021, 165:103998(IF: 5.509)
[17] Zuo Y, Li X, Yang J, Liu J, Zhao L, He X*. Fungal endophytic community and diversity associated with desert shrubs driven by plant identity and organ differentiation in extremely arid desert ecosystem.Journal ofFungi, 2021, 7: 578(IF: 4.7)
[18] Li M, Hou L, Liu J, Yang J, Zuo Y, Zhao L,He X*. Growth-promoting effects of dark septate endophytes on the nonmycorrhizal plantIsatis indigotica under different water conditions.Symbiosis, 2021, 85:291-303(IF: 2.5)
[19] Hou L, Yu J, Zhao L,He X*. Dark septate endophytes improve the growth and the tolerance ofMedicago sativa andAmmopiptanthus mongolicus under cadmium stress.Frontiers in Microbiology, 2020, 10:3061(IF: 5.2)
[20] Zuo Y, Su F,He X*, Li M. Colonization by dark septate endophytes improves the growth ofHedysarum scoparium under multiple inoculum levels.Symbiosis, 2020, 82:201-214(IF: 2.5)
[21] Zuo Y, He C,He X*, Li X, Xue Z, Li X, Wang S. Plant cover of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus and soil factors shape soil microbial community and catabolic functional diversity in the arid desert in Northwest China.Applied Soil Ecology, 2020, 147:103389(IF: 5.509)
[22] Xue Z,He X*, Zuo Y. Community composition and catabolic functional diversity of soil microbes affected byHedysarum scoparium in arid desert regions of northwest China.Arid Land Research and Management,2020, 34:152-170(IF: 1.4)
[23]LiX, HeC,He X*, SuF, HouL, RenY, HouY.Dark septate endophytes improve the growth of host and non-host plants under drought stress through altered root development.Plant and Soil,2019, 439:259-272(IF: 4.9)
[24]Li X,He X*, Zhou Y, Hou Y, Zuo Y. Effects ofdark septateendophytes on theperformance ofHedysarum scoparium underwaterdeficit stress.Frontiers in Plant Science,2019,10:903(IF:5.6)
[25]HouL, He X*,LiX,WangS, ZhaoL.Species composition and colonization of dark septate endophytes are affected by host plant species and soil depth in the Mu Us sandland, northwest China.Fungal Ecology, 2019, 39:276-284(IF: 2.9)
[26]QiangW,He X*,WangJ,ZhaoL.Temporal and spatial variation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi under the canopy ofHedysarum scoparium in the northern desert, China.Applied Soil Ecology, 2019, 136:139-147(5.509)
[27]Li X,He X*, Hou L, Ren Y, Wang S, Su F. Dark septate endophytes isolated from a xerophyte plant promote the growth ofAmmopiptanthus mongolicus under drought condition.Scientific Reports, 2018, 8:7896(IF: 4.6)
[28]Wang K, He X*, Xie L, Zhao L. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community structure and diversity are affected by host plant species and soil depth in the Mu Us Desert, northwest China.Arid Land Research and Management, 2018, 32:198-211(IF: 1.4)
[29] Xie L,He X*, Wang K, Hou L, Sun Q.Spatial dynamics of dark septate endophytes in the roots and rhizospheres ofHedysarum scoparium in northwest China and the influence of edaphic variables.Fungal Ecology, 2017, 26:135-143(IF: 2.9)
[30] Zhang Y,He X*, Zhao L, Zhang J, Xu W. Dynamics of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and glomalin underPsammochloa villosa along a typical dune in desert, North China.Symbiosis, 2017, 73:145-153(IF: 2.5)
[31]Yu J, Xue Z,He X, Liu C, Steinberger Y. Shifts in composition and diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi andglomalin contents during revegetation of desertified semiarid grassland.Applied Soil Ecology, 2017, 115:60-67(IF: 5.509)
[32]Li B,He X*,He C, Chen Y, Wang X. Spatial dynamics of dark septate endophytes and soil factors in the rhizosphere ofAmmopiptanthus mongolicus in Inner Mongolia, China. Symbiosis, 2015, 65:75-84(IF: 2.5)
[33]Si C, Yao X,He X, Chu J, Ma C, Shi X. Effects ofenhanced UV-Bradiation onbiochemicaltraits inpostharvestflowers ofmedicinal Chrysanthemum. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2015, 91:845-850(IF: 3.3)
[34]Yao X, Chu J,He X,MaC,HanC,ShenH. The changes in quality ingredients of Qi chrysanthemum flowers treated with elevated UV-B radiation at different growth stages.Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 2015, 146:18-23(IF: 5.4)
[35]Yao X, Chu J,He X, Si C. Grain yield, starch, protein, and nutritional element concentrations of winter wheat exposed to enhanced UV-B during different growth stages.Journal of Cereal Science, 2014, 60:31-36(IF: 3.8)
[36]Yao X, Chu J, He X. Effects of selenium on agronomical characters of winter wheat exposed to enhanced ultraviolet-B.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2013, 92:320-326(IF: 6.8)
[37]Chen Z,He X*, Guo H, Yao X, Chen C. Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the rhizosphere of three host plants in the farming–pastoral zone, north China.Symbiosis, 2012, 7:149-160(IF: 2.5)
[38] Yao X, Chu J,He X, Ba C. Protective Role ofselenium inwheatseedlingssubjected toenhanced UV-Bradiation.Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 2011, 58:283-289(IF: 1.4)
[39]He X, Li Y, Zhao L. Dynamics of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and glomalin in the rhizosphere ofArtemisia ordosica Krasch.in Mu Us sandland, China.Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2010, 42:1313-1319(IF: 9.7)
[40] Li Y,He X*, Zhao L. Tempo-spatial dynamics of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi under clonal plantPsammochloa villosa Trin. Bor in Mu Us sandland. European Journal of Soil Biology, 2010, 46:295-301(IF: 4.2)
[41] Zhang M,He X*.Chromosome numbers and karyotype of five species fromSeriphidium (Asteraceae). PlantSystematics and Evolution, 2010, 290:109-113(IF: 1.9)
[42] Bai C, He X*, Shan B. Spatial distribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, glomalin and soil enzymes under the canopy of Astragalus adsurgensPall.in the Mu Us sandland, China.Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2009, 41:941-947(IF: 9.7)
[43]Zhao J,He X*. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with the clonal plants in Mu Us sandland of China.Progress in Natural Science, 2007, 17:1296-1302(IF: 1.2)
[44]He X, Mouratov S, Steinberger Y. Spatial variation of AM fungal spore numbers under canopies ofAcacia raddiana.Arid Land Research and Management, 2004, 18:295-299(IF: 1.4)
[45] Mouratova S, He X, Steinberger Y. Spatial distribution of nematode populations under Acacia raddiana along a temperature gradient in the Negev Desert ecosystem. Journal of Arid Environments, 2004, 56:339-355(IF: 2.7)
[46]He X, Mouratov S, Steinberger Y. Spatial distribution and colonization of arbuscular fungi under the canopy of desert halophytes.Arid Land Research and Management, 2002,16:149-160(IF: 1.4)
[47] He X, Mouratov S, Steinberger Y. The temporal and spatial dynamics of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi under the canopy ofZygophyllum dumosumin Negev Desert. Journal of Arid Enviroments, 2002, 52:379-387(IF: 2.7)
[48]张佳彬,陈丽莹,尤茜,张莉莉,贺学礼*.水稻种子的细菌含量和群落结构及其影响因素分析.微生物学报, 2023, 63:4232-4244.
[49]刘燕霞,龙俊萌,王静茹,李海超,李夏,贺学礼*.五种漠境深色有隔内生真菌对小麦促生抗旱效应研究.中国科学:生命科学, 2021, 51:1339-1349.
[50]赵昕,高慧利,龙俊萌,刘燕霞,李夏,贺学礼*.西北沙区梭梭根系深色有隔内生真菌等微生物时空分布及对根际土壤环境的响应.菌物学报, 2021, 40:2716-2734.
[51]赵爽,李婉云,杨静雅,侯怡婷,赵丽莉,贺学礼*.两种不同来源的绿色木霉降解木质纤维素研究.菌物学报, 2020, 39:856-869.
[52]成斌,许伟,胡从从,贺学礼*,赵丽莉.比较形态学、聚丙酰胺凝胶电泳与二代测序在AM真菌群落 研究中的应用.菌物学报, 2018, 37:1170-1178.
[53]刘海跃,李欣玫,张琳琳,王姣姣,贺学礼*.西北荒漠带花棒根际丛枝菌根真菌生态地理分布.植物生态学报, 2018, 42:252-260.
[54]李欣玫,左易灵,薛子可,张琳琳,赵丽莉,贺学礼*.不同荒漠植物根际土壤微生物群落结构特征.生态学报, 2018, 38:2855-2863.
[55]胡从从,成斌,王坤,赵丽莉,贺学礼*.蒙古沙冬青及其伴生植物AM真菌物种多样性.生态学报, 2017, 37:7972-7982.
[56]王姣姣,强薇,刘海跃,葛佳丽,左易灵,贺学礼*.极旱荒漠植物对AM真菌物种多样性的影响.菌物学报, 2017, 36:861-869.
[57]孙茜,薛子可,解琳琳,贺学礼*,赵丽莉.沙冬青及其伴生植物深色有隔内生真菌物种多样性.植物生态学报, 2017, 41:729-737.
[58]郭清华,胡从从,贺学礼*,王晓乾,常辉,陈严严.蒙古沙冬青伴生植物AM真菌的空间分布.生态学报, 2016, 36:5809-5819.
[59]贺超,陈伟燕,贺学礼*,姜桥,赵丽莉.不同水肥因子与AM真菌对黄芩生长和营养成分的交互效应.生态学报, 2016, 36:2798-2806.
[60]孙茜,贺超,贺学礼*,赵丽莉.沙冬青与伴生植物深色有隔内生真菌定殖规律及其与土壤因子的相关性.植物生态学报, 2015, 39:878-889.
[61]张玉洁,贺学礼*,程春泉,赵金莉,赵丽莉.新疆沙冬青AM真菌群落结构与遗传多样性分析.菌物学报, 2015, 34:375-385.
[62]许伟,贺学礼*,孙茜,王晓乾,刘春卯,张娟,赵丽莉.塞北荒漠草原柠条锦鸡儿AM真菌的空间分布.生态学报, 2015, 35:1124-1133.
[63]张娟,贺学礼*,赵丽莉,许伟,闫姣.荒漠土壤因子和DSE定殖对克隆植物入侵的响应.生态学报, 2015, 35:1095-1103.
[64]闫姣,贺学礼*,张亚娟,许伟,张娟,赵丽莉.荒漠北沙柳根系丛枝菌根真菌和黑隔内生真菌定殖状况.植物生态学报, 2014, 38:949-958.
[65]姜桥,贺学礼*,陈伟燕,张玉洁,荣心瑞,王雷.新疆沙冬青AM和DSE真菌的空间分布.生态学报, 2014, 34:2929-2937.
[66]贺学礼,马丽,孟静静,王平.不同水肥条件下AM真菌对丹参幼苗生长和营养成分的影响.生态学报, 2012, 32:5721-5728.
[67]杨静,贺学礼*,赵丽莉.内蒙古荒漠沙柳AM真菌物种多样性.生物多样性, 2011, 19:377-385.
[68]贺学礼,陈程,何博.北方两省农牧交错带沙棘根围AM真菌与球囊霉素空间分布.生态学报, 2011, 31:1653-1661.
[69]贺学礼,高露,赵丽莉.水分胁迫下丛枝菌根AM真菌对民勤绢蒿生长与抗旱性的影响.生态学报, 2011, 31:1029-1037.
[70]贺学礼,杨静,赵丽莉.荒漠沙柳根围AM真菌的空间分布.生态学报, 2011, 31:2159-2168.
[71]贺学礼,王银银,赵丽莉,钱伟华.荒漠沙蒿根围AM真菌和DSE的空间分布.生态学报, 2011, 31:0812-0818.
[72]郭辉娟,贺学礼*.水分胁迫下AM真菌对沙打旺生长和抗旱性的影响.生态学报, 2010, 30:5933-5940.
[73]赵金莉,贺学礼*.毛乌素沙地克隆植物生长对AM真菌多样性和菌根形成的影响.生态学报, 2010, 30:1349-1355.
[74]贺学礼,刘雪伟,李英鹏.沙坡头地区沙冬青AM真菌的时空分布.生态学报, 2010, 30:0370-0376.
[75]陈颖,贺学礼*,山宝琴,赵丽莉.荒漠油蒿根围AM真菌与球囊霉素的时空分布.生态学报, 2009, 29:6010-6016.
[76]钱伟华,贺学礼*.荒漠生境油蒿根围AM真菌多样性.生物多样性, 2009, 17: 506-511.
[77]山宝琴,贺学礼*,白春明,赵丽莉.荒漠油蒿(Artemisia ordosica)根围AM真菌分布与土壤酶活性.生态学报, 2009, 29:3045-3051.
[78]贺学礼,刘媞,安秀娟,赵丽莉.水分胁迫下AM真菌对柠条锦鸡儿(Caragana korshinskii)生长和抗旱性的影响.生态学报, 2009, 29:47-52.
[79]贺学礼,侯晓飞.荒漠植物油蒿根围AM真菌的时空分布.植物生态学报, 2008, 32:1373-1377.
[80]贺学礼,张焕仕,赵丽莉.不同土壤中水分胁迫和AM真菌对油蒿抗旱性的影响.植物生态学报, 2008, 32:994-1001.
[81]贺学礼,杨磊,唐宏亮,赵丽莉.克隆植物芦苇(Phragmites communis)生长对AM真菌时空分布的影响.自然科学进展, 2007, 17:978-983.
[82]孙会忠,贺学礼*,陈铁山,张跃进.中国绢蒿属Seriphidium (Bess.) Poljak.16种植物花粉形态研究.自然科学进展, 2007,17:35-41.
[83]贺学礼,孙会忠.国产11种蒿属药用植物种子微形态特征研究.中草药, 2007,38:764-766.
[84]赵丽莉,滕华容,贺学礼*.施磷量和AM真菌对柴胡生长的交互效应.中草药, 2006,37:1405-1409.
[85]贺学礼,赵丽莉,杨宏宇.黄土高原柠条锦鸡儿AM真菌多样性及空间分布.生态学报, 2006, 26:3835-3840.