

  • 个人简介

王汝振,男,1988年7月生,山东聊城人,博士,教授/研究员,博士研究生导师,国家优秀青年基金获得者, 2024年入选河北省燕赵青年科学家。兼任中国植物营养与肥料学会理事,中国土壤学会会员,Plant and Soil副主编,民盟中央青年工作委员会。

主要从事生态学与土壤学方面的教学和科研工作。主持和参加各类项目10余项。在国内外学术刊物上发表论文74篇,其中在Trends in Plant ScienceNew Phytologist、Ecological Monograph、Ecology、Journal of Ecology、Soil Biology & Biochemistry等SCI杂志发表学术论文70余篇,第一或通讯作者SCI论文37篇,被SCI引用1900余次,H因子27


2006–2010: 曲阜师范大学 生物学学士

2010–2015: 中科院沈阳应用生态所 生态学博士

2012–2013: 美国普渡大学 联合培养


2015–2017: 中科院沈阳应用生态所 助理研究员

2017–2021: 中科院沈阳应用生态所 副研究员

2019–2020: 澳大利亚 悉尼大学 访问学者

2021–2022: 中科院沈阳应用生态所 研究员

2022–至今: 河北大学 生命科学学院 研究员


1. 燕赵青年科学家项目:植物光合碳分配与根氮再分配的生态学耦联机制(C2024201044,2024-2028,100万元),主持

2. 国家自然科学基金优青项目:草地元素循环过程与调控(32071563,2023-2025,200万元),主持

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:草甸草原土壤酸化对植物根系氮素再循环的影响(32071563,2021-2024,58万元),主持

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:大气沉降氮在典型草甸草原生态系统的分配及存留机制(31770525,2018-2021,55万元),主持

5. 国家重点研发计划子课题:人工牧草和饲用作物高效种植技术研发与示范(2016YFC0500707,2016-2021,40万元),子课题主持

6. 中科院战略性先导专项专题:莫尔道嘎森林保护区关键树种及林下植被多样性保护技术示范(XDA23080401,2019-2023,50万元),专题主持

7. 中国科学院青年创新促进会人才培养项目(2019-2022,80万元),主持


1.Wang RZ, Dijkstra FA, Han XG, Jiang Y*, 2024. Root nitrogen reallocation: what makes it matter? Trends in Plant Science Doi: 10.1016/j.tplants.2024.04.009

2. Gu BT, Wang RZ*,  Sardans J,  Peñuelas J, Han XG, Jiang Y, 2023. Altered soil nitrogen retention by grassland acidification from near-neutral to acidic conditions: A plant-soil-microbe perspective. Fundamental Research (Accepted)

3. Li, YY, Wang, RZ*, Zhang, Y, Gu, BT, Liu, HY, Yang, LJ, Jiang, Y. 2023. Plant Molybdenum Uptake as Mediated by Synergism with Phosphorus but Antagonism with Sulfur in a Nitrogen Fertilized and Mown Meadow. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 23:5438-5453.

4. Wang RZ*, Gu B. 2023. A conceptual framework on the fate of rhizodeposits in forming mineral-associated organic matter or encapsulating into microaggreagtes. Air, Soil and Water Research16: 1-4.

5. Lü J, Wang RZ*, Sardans J, Peñuelas J, Jiang Y, Han XG. 2023. An integrative review of drivers and responses of grassland phenology under global change. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 42: 124-137.

6. Zhang Y, Wang RZ*, Sardans J, Wang B, Gu BT, Li YY, Liu HY, Peñuelas J, Jiang Y. 2023. Resprouting ability differs among plant functional groups along a soil acidification gradient in a meadow: A rhizosphere perspective. Journal of Ecology 111: 631-644.

7. Feng X#, Wang RZ#, Li TP, Cai JP, Liu HY, Wang B, Lü XT, Jiang Y*. 2023. Nutrient resorption and coupling relationships in two plant species with sulfur addition: A two-year study in a meadow. Plant and Soil https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-022-05408-2

8. Wang RZ, Bicharanloo B, Hou EQ*, Jiang Y*, Dijkstra FA. 2022. Phosphorus supply increases nitrogen transformation rates and retention in soil: a global meta-analysis. Earth's Future 10: e2021EF002479.

9. Wang RZ, Lu JY, Jiang Y*, Dijkstra. 2022. Carbon efficiency for nutrient acquisition (CENA) by plants: role of nutrient availability and microbial symbionts. Plant and Soil 476: 289-300.

10. Li YY, Wang RZ*, Liu HY, Feng X, Wang B, Wang ZR, Li H, Yang LJ*, Jiang Y. 2022. Synergistic interactions between zinc and nitrogen addition in promoting plant Zn uptake as counteracted by mowing management in a meadow grassland. Plant and Soil 473: 305-318

11. Wang RZ#, Yang JJ#, Liu HY#, Sardans J, Zhang YH, Wang XB, Wei CZ, Lü XT, Dijkstra F, Jiang Y, Han XG*, Peñuelas J. 2022. Nitrogen enrichment buffers phosphorus limitation by mobilizing mineral-bound soil phosphorus in grasslands. Ecology 103: e3616.

12. Wang RZ, Bicharanloo B, Shirvan MB, Cavagnaro TR, Jiang Y*, Keitel C, Dijkstra FA. 2021. A novel 13C pulse-labelling method to quantify the contribution of rhizodeposits to soil respiration in a grassland exposed to drought and nitrogen addition. New Phytologist 230: 857-866.

13. Wang RZ, Peñuelas J, Li TP, Liu HY, Wu H, Zhang YG, Sardans J, Jiang Y*. 2021. Natural abundance of 13C and 15N provides evidence for plant-soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a N-fertilized meadow. Ecology 102: e03348.

14. Wang RZ, Cavagnaro TR, Jiang Y*, Keitel C, Dijkstra FA. 2021. Carbon allocation to the rhizosphere is affected by drought and nitrogen addition. Journal of Ecology 109: 3699-3709.

15. Wang RZ, Cresswell T, Johansen MP, Harroson JJ, Jiang Y*, Keitel C, Cavagnaro TR, Dijkstra FA. 2021. Re-allocation of nitrogen and phosphorus from roots drives regrowth of grasses and sedges after defoliation under deficit irrigation and nitrogen enrichment. Journal of Ecology 109:4071-4080.

16. Wang RZ#, Lü LY#, Cao YZ, Sardans J, Liu HY, Li B, Zhang YG, Peñuelas J, Dijkstra FA, Jiang Y*. 2021. Stability of elemental content correlates with plant resistance to soil impoverishment. Plant and Soil 467: 213–226.

17. Wang RZ#*, Liu HY#, Sardans J, Feng X, Xu ZW, Peñuelas J. 2021. Interacting effects of urea and water addition on soil mineral-bound phosphorus dynamics in semi-arid grasslands with different land use history.European Journal of Soil Science 72: 946-962.

18. Liu HY, Wang RZ*, Lü XT, Cai JP, Feng X, Yang GJ, Li H, Zhang YG, Han XG, Jiang Y. 2021. Effects of nitrogen addition on plant-soil micronutrients vary with nitrogen form and mowing management in a meadow steppe. Environmental Pollution 289: 117969.

19. Wang RZ#, Wu H#, Sardans J, Li TP, Liu HY, Peñuelas J, Dijkstra FA, Jiang Y*.2020. Carbon storage and plant-soil linkages among soil aggregates as affected by nitrogen enrichment and mowing management in a meadow grassland.Plant and Soil457: 407-420.

20. Wang RZ#,*, Cao YZ#, Wang HY,Dijkstra FA, Jiang JL, Zhao RN, Ma W, Li TP, Dorodnikov M, Wang ZW, Sardans J, Peñuelas J. 2019. Exogenous P compounds differentially interacted with N availability to regulate enzymatic activities in a meadow steppe. European Journal of Soil Science 71: 667-680.

21. Wang RZ, Dijkstra FA, Liu HY, Yin JF, Wang X, Feng X, Xu ZW, Jiang Y*. 2019. Response of soil carbon to nitrogen and water addition differs between labile and recalcitrant fractions: evidence from multi–year data and different soil depths in a semi-arid steppe. Catena 172: 857-865.

22. Feng X, Wang RZ*, Yu Q, Cao YZ, Zhang YG, Yang LJ*, Dijkstra FA, Jiang Y. 2019. Decoupling of plant and soil metal nutrients as affected by nitrogen addition in a meadow steppe. Plant and Soil 443:337-351.

23. Liu HY,Wang RZ*, Wang HY, Cao YZ, Dijkstra FA, Shi Z, Cai JP, Wang ZW, Zou HT*, Jiang Y. 2019. Exogenous phosphorus compounds interact with nitrogen availability to regulate dynamics of soil inorganic phosphorus fractions in a meadow steppe.Biogeosciences 16: 4293-4306.

24. Li TP#, Liu HY#,Wang RZ*, Lü XT, Yang JJ, Zhang YH, He P, Wang ZR, Han XG, Jiang Y*. 2019. Frequency and intensity of nitrogen addition alter soil inorganic sulfur fractions but the effects vary with mowing management in a temperate steppe.Biogeosciences 16: 2891-2904.

25. Wang RZ, Zhang YH,He P, Yin JF, Yang JJ, Liu HY, Cai JP, Shi Z, Feng X, Dijkstra FA, Han XG, Jiang Y*. 2018. Intensity and frequency of nitrogen addition alter soil chemical properties depending on mowing management in a temperate steppe.Journal of Environmental Management 224: 77-86.

26. Wang RZ#, Wang X#, Jiang Y*, Cerdà A, Yin J, Liu HY, Feng X, Shi Z, Dijkstra FA, Li MH. 2018. Soil properties determine the elevational patterns of base cations and micronutrients in plant-soil system up to the upper limits of trees and shrubs.Biogeosciences 15: 1763-1774.

27. Wang RZ, Dorodnikov M, Dijkstra F, Yang S, Xu ZW, Li H, Jiang Y*. 2017. Sensitivities to nitrogen and water addition vary among microbial groups within soil aggregates in a semi-arid grassland. Biology and Fertility of Soils 53: 129-140.

28. Wang RZ, Dungait JAJ, Buss HL, Yang S, Zhang YG, Xu ZW, Jiang Y*. 2017. Base cations and micronutrients in soil aggregates as affected by enhanced nitrogen and water inputs in a semi-arid steppe grassland. Science of the Total Environment 575:564-572.

29. Wang RZ, Lü LY, Creamer CA, Liu HY, Feng X, Yu GQ, Han XG, Jiang Y*. 2017. Alteration of soil carbon and nitrogen pools and enzyme activities as affected by increased soil coarseness. Biogeosciences 14: 2155-2166.

30. Wang RZ, Gibson SD, Berry TD, Jiang Y, Bird JA, Filley TR*. 2017. Photooxidation of pyrogenic organic matter reduces the reactive, labile C pool and the apparent soil oxidative microbial oxidative enzyme response. Geoderma 293: 10-18.

31. Wang RZ, Zhang YL*, CerdàA, Cao MM, Zhang YY, Yin JF, Jiang Y, Chen LJ. 2017. Changes in soil chemical properties as affected by pyrogenic organic matter amendment with different intensity and frequency. Geoderma 289:161-168.

32. Wang RZ, Creamer CA, Wang X, He P. Xu ZW, Jiang Y*. 2016. The effects of a 9-year nitrogen and water addition on soil aggregate phosphorus and sulfur availability in a semi-arid grassland. Ecological Indicators 61: 806-814.

33. Yin JF,Wang RZ*, Liu HY, Feng X, Xu ZW, Jiang Y. 2016. Nitrogen addition alters elemental stoichiometry within soil aggregates in a temperate steppe. Solid Earth 7: 1565-1575.

34. Lü LY,Wang RZ*, Liu HY, Yin JF, Wang ZW, Zhao Y, Yu GQ, Han XG, Jiang Y. 2016. Effect of soil coarseness on soil base cations and available micronutrients in a semi-arid sandy grassland, Solid Earth 7: 549-556.

35. Wang RZ, Dungait JAJ, Creamer CA, Cai JP, Li B, Xu ZW, Zhang YG, Ma YN, Jiang Y*. 2015. Carbon and nitrogen dynamics in soil aggregates under long-term N and water addition in a temperate steppe. Soil Science Society of America Journal 79: 527-535.

36. Wang RZ, Dorodnikov M, Yang S, Zhang YY, Filley TR, Turco RF, Zhang YG, Xu ZW, Li H, Jiang Y*. 2015. Responses of enzymatic activities within soil aggregates to 9-year nitrogen and water addition in a semi-arid grassland. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 81: 159-167.

37. Wang RZ, Filley TR, Xu ZW, Wang X, Li MH, Zhang YG, Luo WT, Jiang Y*. 2014. Coupled response of soil carbon and nitrogen pools and enzyme activities to nitrogen and water addition in a semiarid grassland of Inner Mongolia. Plant and Soil 381: 323-336.


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