




  • 个人简介



主要从事基因表达调控与生物适应性方面的科研和教学工作,聚焦表型可塑性的分子调控机制研究。主持和参加各类项目10余项。在国内外学术刊物上发表论文22篇,其中以通讯或第一作者在PNAS(2023,2014)、Science China Life Sciences等期刊发表SCI论文19篇,第一或通讯作者SCI论文10篇,被SCI引用563篇次;合著专著1部。授权国家发明专利1项,实用专利1项;荣获2023年荣获中国昆虫学会第十一届青年科学技术奖、2020年河北省“冀青之星”。



2009.09-2015.01 中国科学院大学遗传学专业学习,获理学博士学位

2006.09-2009.07 河北农业大学作物遗传育种专业学习,获农学硕士学位

2002.09-2006.07 河北农业大学农学专业学习,获农学学士学位


2023.11- 河北大学生命科学学院 教授,硕士生导师

2021.11-2023.11河北大学生命科学学院 副教授,硕士生导师

2016.11-2021.11河北大学生命科学学院 讲师,硕士生导师



1. 分子生物学(本科生)

2. 分子生物学实验(本科生)

3. 基因组学(本科生)

4. 分子生物学研究技术(研究生)




1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“蝗虫迁飞过程中的翻译调节机制(32372549,2024.01-2027.12,50万元)”,主持

2. 国家重点研发计划子课题“蝗型变机理与操纵:飞蝗型变的翻译水平调控机制研究(2022YFD1400500,2022.09-2025.12,60万元)”,主持

3. 河北省创新能力提升计划项目“微塑料与重金属联合毒理效应和健康风险的机理研究(225A4203D,2022.07-2025.06,150万元)”,主持

4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目“飞蝗两型转变的翻译水平动态调控(31702064,2018.01-2020.12,24万元)”,主持

5. 河北省自然科学基金青年项目“Takeout基因调控飞蝗表型可塑性的分子机理(C2018201135,2018.01-2020.12,4万元)”,主持

6. 河北省教育厅青年基金项目“LmigTO2基因在飞蝗两型转变中的生物学功能研究(QN2019117,2019.01-2021.12,3万元)”,主持

7. 河北大学自然科学多学科交叉研究计划资助项目“基于OCT技术构建飞蝗胚胎发育的动态图谱(DXK201910,2020.01-2022.12,20万元)”,主持

8. 中科院动物研究所农业虫害鼠害综合治理研究国家重点实验室开放课题“Takeout基因调控飞蝗行为可塑性的功能研究(ChineseIPM1709,2017.01-2020.03,8万元)”,主持

9. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目“表观遗传调控水稻穗发育位点的筛选与验证(2015M570170,2015.05-2016.11,20万元)”,主持

10. 河北省“巨人计划”第三批创新创业团队“河北大学基因表达与DNA修复创新团队项目(2015M570170,2018.04-2021.04,200万元)”,参与

11. 国家自然科学基金青年项目“水稻外稃形态建成基因的遗传筛选及功能分析(31300987,2014.01-2016.12,23万元)”,参与

12. 国家重点研发计划课题“我国重要家养动植物在人工选择下进化的遗传和基因组机制(2013CB835200,2013.01-2017.12,135万元)”,参与

13. 国家转基因生物新品种培育重大专项“基因克隆新技术和新方法研究(2013.01-2013.12,42万元)”,参与


1. #Jing Li,#Liya Wei*(魏丽亚), Yongsheng Wang, Haikang Zhang, Pengcheng Yang, Zhangwu Zhao, Le Kang*.(2023). Cytosolic and mitochondrial ribosomal proteins mediate the locust phase transition via divergence of translational profiles.PNAS, 120(5), e2216851120.(中科院双一区,IF= 12.7784[PDF]

Science选为亮点文章推荐2023.2.17 [PDF]

2. Xiaoxiao Wang, Jing Li, Tongxin Wang, YinuoYang, Haikang Zhang, Meng Zhou, Le Kang*,Liya Wei*(魏丽亚).(2022). A novel non-invasive identification of genome editing mutants from insect exuviae,Insect Science, 29(1), 21-32.(中科院双一区[PDF]

3. Ya Su, Jiangling Fan, Xiuli Wang, Xiaoxiao Wang, Jing Li, Bingbing Duan, Le Kang,Liya Wei*(魏丽亚), X. Steve Yao*. (2022). Noninvasive examination of the cardiac properties of insect embryos enabled by optical coherence tomography.Journal of Biophotonics, 15: e202100308.(中科院二区[PDF]

4. Jiajia Zhao, Yu Song, Xuemin Jiang, Lei He,Liya Wei*(魏丽亚), Zhangwu Zhao*.(2023). Synergism of feeding and digestion regulated by the neuropeptide F system in Ostrinia furnacalis Larvae. Cells 12, 194.https://doi.org/10.3390 /cells12010194(中科院二区,IF=7.677[PDF]

5. 康乐*, 魏丽亚. 2022.中国蝗虫学研究60年.植物保护学报49, 4-16.入选2022年度中国农业期刊优秀论文 [PDF]

6. Xiaoxiao Wang, Jiangling Fan, Meng Zhou, Ge Gao,Liya Wei*(魏丽亚), Le Kang*. (2021). Interactive effect of photoperiod and temperature on the induction and termination of embryonic diapause in the migratory locust,Pest Management Science, 77:2854-2862.(中科院二区Top) [PDF]

7. # Ya Su,# Liya Wei(魏丽亚), Hao Tan, Jing Li, Wenping Li, Lei Fu, Tongxin Wang, Le Kang*, and X. Steve Yao*. (2020). Optical coherence tomography as a noninvasive 3D real time imaging tool for the rapid evaluation of phenotypic variations in insect embryonic development.Journal of biophotonics,13(2): e201960047. (中科院二区) [PDF]

8. #Xiangjin Wei,#Xianwei Song,#Liya Wei(魏丽亚),Shaoqing Tang, Jing Sun, Peisong Hu, Xiaofeng Cao*. (2017). An Epiallele of Rice AK1 Affects Photosynthetic Capacity.Journal of integrative plant biology, 59, 158-163.(中科院二区) [PDF]

9. Liya Wei(魏丽亚),and Xiaofeng Cao*. (2016).Theeffect oftransposable elements on phenotypic variation: insights from plants to humans.SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences, 59, 24-37.(中科院双一区).[PDF]

10. #Liya Wei(魏丽亚),#Lianfeng Gu ,#Xianwei Song, Xiekui Cui, Zhike Lu, Ming Zhou, Lulu Wang, Fengyi Hu, Jixian Zhai, BlakeC. Meyers, and Xiaofeng Cao*. (2014). Dicer-like 3 produces transposable element-associated 24-nt siRNAs that control agricultural traits in rice.PNAS, 111, 3877-3882.(中科院双一区,IF= 12.7784)[PDF]

11. Liya Wei(魏丽亚), Danfeng Zhang, Fang Xiang, and Zuxin Zhang*(2009). Differentially expressed miRNAs potentially involved in the regulation of defense mechanism to drought stress in maize seedlings.International Journal of Plant Sciences, 170, 979-989. (SCI) [PDF]

12. 张玉明,邵梦华,李亚静,冯琴,魏丽亚*,柳峰松*.2021. Mdogg1基因参与家蝇体内氧化还原平衡的维持,昆虫学报2021,64(01):51-60. [PDF]

13. Ruifeng Zhang,Xianguo Zhao,Juan Du,Liya Wei(魏丽亚), andZhangwu Zhao*. (2021). Regulatory mechanism of daily sleep by miR-276a.The FASEB Journal 35, e21222. (中科院二区[PDF]

14. #Ruifeng Zhang,#Juan Du, Xianguo Zhao, Liya Wei(魏丽亚), Zhangwu Zhao*. (2021). Regulation of circadian behavioural output via clock-responsivemiR-276b.Insect Molecular Biology, 30: 81-89. (第三作者,SCI)[PDF]

15. Qiankun He, Juan Du,Liya Wei(魏丽亚), Zhangwu Zhao*. (2020). AKH-FOXO pathway regulates starvation-induced sleep loss through remodeling of the small ventral lateral neuron dorsal projections. PLoS Genetics, 16: e1009181. (中科院二区)[PDF]

16. #Bing Chen,#RonghuiMa, Ding Ding,Liya Wei(魏丽亚), Le Kang*. (2017). Aerobic respiration by haemocyanin in the embryo of the migratory locust.Insect Molecular Biology,26(4):461-468. (SCI) [PDF]

17. Zuxin Zhang*,Liya Wei(魏丽亚),Xilin Zou, Yongsheng Tao, Zhijie Liu, and Yonglian Zheng*. (2008). Submergence-responsive microRNAs are potentially involved in the regulation of morphological and metabolic adaptations in maize root cells.Annals of Botany, 102, 509-519.(SCI)[PDF]

18. Xian Deng, Xianwei Song,Liya Wei(魏丽亚),Chunyan Liu, and Xiaofeng Cao*. (2016). Epigenetic regulation and epigenomic landscape in rice.National Science Review, 3, 309-327. (中科院二区Top,2016 IF=8.843)[PDF]

19. Lei Wang, Zuxin Zhang,Liya Wei(魏丽亚),Danfeng Zhang, Feng Teng, Yongsheng Tao and Yonglian Zheng*. (2009). The residual background genome from a donor within an improved line selected by marker-assisted selection: impact on phenotype and combining ability.Plant Breeding, 128, 429-435. (SCI)[PDF]

20. #Xiekui Cui,#Ping Jin, Xia Cui, Lianfeng Gu, Zhike Lu, Yongming Xue,Liya Wei(魏丽亚),Jianfei Qi, Xianwei Song, Ming Luo, Gynheung An, and Xiaofeng Cao*. (2013). Control of transposon activity by a histone H3K4 demethylase in rice.PNAS, 110, 1953-1958.(中科院双一区,IF= 12.7784)[PDF]

21. LiLi Wu,Yue Gao,Dandan Yu, Sheng Liu, Runchu Zhao, Dezhi Liu, Ling Xu, HonghuiLiu, Xiaoyun Wang, Jianxun Qi, YanChai,LiyaWei(魏丽亚), Yong-Gang Yao*,George F. Gao*, Qihui Wang* (2023). VH-CH1 switch region-inserting multispecific antibody designs and their efficacy against SARS-CoV-2 in vitro and in vivo.Cell Discovery, 9:113. (中科院一区,IF= 33.5)[PDF]

22. #Ming Zhou,#Lianfeng Gu, Pingchuan Li, Xianwei Song,Liya Wei(魏丽亚),Zhiyu Chen, and Xiaofeng Cao*. (2010). Degradome sequencing reveals endogenous small RNA targets in rice (Oryza sativa L. ssp.indica).Frontiers in Biology, 5, 67-90. (国内核心期刊)[PDF]


1. 魏丽亚,产金竹,曹晓风。2018,承续的魅力:令人着迷的表观遗传学。见:植物表观遗传调控自然的“转基因”,曹晓风,许瑞明主编。北京:科学出版社,p089-111


1. 魏丽亚,李静,王笑笑,周梦,王彤欣,一种群居蝗虫保卵笼,授权号:ZL 202021838934.X.,2021.5.11。

2. 曹晓风,魏丽亚,顾连峰,宋显伟,崔勰奎,水稻叶夹角的表观调控位点及其应用,授权号:ZL 2014 1 0038280.5,2018.8.31




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