





  • 个人简介



1998-2000博士后 美国加州大学河滨分校

1993-1996农学博士 中国农业大学

1984-1987农学硕士 河北农业大学

1980-1984农学学士 河北农业大学唐山分校



(2015.09—2016.02法国巴黎第六大学 高级研究学者)

2001年—2010年 美国华盛顿大学(西雅图)研究科学家




1996年—1997年 中国农业科学院 博士后

1989年—1993年 河北科技师范学院 讲师

1987年—1989年 河北农业科学院棉花研究所 助研


2018年获中国侨界贡献奖 二等奖






1.Wang W, Dai X, Li Y, Li M, Chi Z, Hu X,Wang Z,* 2023,The miR-669a-5p/G3BP/HDAC6/AKAP12 Axis Regulates Primary Cilia Length.Advanced Science,e2305068.

2. Wu X, Yang D, Zhou Y, Li S,Wang Z,* 2022, The Role ofCiliopathy-associated Type 3 Adenylyl Cyclase in Infanticidal Behavior in Virgin Adult Male Mice.iScience 25,104534.

3. Yang D, Wu X, Wang W, Zhou Y,Wang Z,* 2022,Ciliary Type III Adenylyl Cyclase in the VMH Is Crucial for High-Fat Diet-Induced Obesity Mediated by Autophagy.Advanced Science,9(3):e2102568.

4. Chen T, Zhou Y, Liu X, Liu Y, Yuan J,Wang Z,* 2022,Adenylyl cyclase 3 deficiency results in dysfunction of blood-testis barrier during mouse spermiogenesis. Theriogenology, 180:40-52.

5. Zhou K, Zhou Y, Yang D, Chen T, Liu X, Li S,Wang Z,* 2021, The Type 3 Adenylyl Cyclase is Crucial for Intestinal Mucosal Neural Network in the Gut Lamina Propria.Neurogastroenterology and Motility,33(9):e14140.

6. Yang D, Wu X, Zhou Y, Wang W, Wang Z,* 2020, The microRNA/TET3/REST axis is required for olfactory globose basal cell proliferation and male behavior.EMBO Reports,21(9):e49431.

7. Liu X, Zhou Y, Li S, Yang D, Jiao M, Liu X,Wang Z,* 2020,Type 3 adenylyl cyclase in the main olfactory epithelium participates in depression-like and anxiety-like behaviours.J Affect Disord, 268:28-38.

8. Liu X, Zhou Y, Yang D, Li S, Liu X,Wang Z,* 2020,Type 3 adenylyl cyclase in the MOE is involved in learning and memory in mice. Behav Brain Res, 383:112533.

9. Zhang Y, Zhao L, Fu S,Wang Z, Zhang J, 2020,Male pheromones and their reception by females are co-adapted to affect mating success in two subspecies of brown rats.Curr Zool, 67(4):371-382.

10.Zhang Z, Yang D, Zhang M, Zhu N, Zhou Y, Storm DR,Wang Z,* 2017,Deletion of Type 3 Adenylyl Cyclase Perturbs the Postnatal Maturation of Olfactory Sensory Neurons and Olfactory Cilium Ultrastructure in Mice. Front Cell Neurosci,11:1.

11. Wang Z,* Zhou Y, Luo Y, Zhang J, Zhai Y, Yang D, Zhang Z, Li Y, Storm DR, Ma RZ, 2015,Gene Expression Profiles of Main Olfactory Epithelium in Adenylyl Cyclase 3 Knockout Mice. Int J Mol Sci,16:28320-33.

12. Connelly T, Yu Y, Grosmaitre X, Wang J, Santarelli LC, Savigner A, Qiao X,Wang Z, Storm DR, Ma M, 2015,G protein-coupled odorant receptors underlie mechanosensitivity in mammalian olfactory sensory neurons.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A,112:590-5.

13. Zou J, Pan YW,Wang Z, Chang SY, Wang W, Wang X, Tournier C, Storm DR, Xia Z, 2012,Targeted deletion of ERK5 MAP kinase in the developing nervous system impairs development of GABAergic interneurons in the main olfactory bulb and behavioral discrimination between structurally similar odorants. J Neurosci,32:4118-32.

14. Wang Z,* Phan T, Storm DR, 2011,The type 3 adenylyl cyclase is required for novel object learning and extinction of contextual memory: role of cAMP signaling in primary cilia. J Neurosci,31:5557-61.

15. Wang Z,* Storm DR, 2011,Maternal behavior is impaired in female mice lacking type 3 adenylyl cyclase. Neuropsychopharmacology,36:772-81.

16. Wang Z,* Li V, Chan GC, Phan T, Nudelman AS, Xia Z, Storm DR, 2009,Adult type 3 adenylyl cyclase-deficient mice are obese. PLoS One,4:e6979.

17. Wang Z,* Balet Sindreu C, Li V, Nudelman A, Chan GC, Storm DR, 2006,Pheromone detection in male mice depends on signaling through the type 3 adenylyl cyclase in the main olfactory epithelium. J Neurosci,26:7375-9.

18. Wang Z,* Nudelman A, Storm DR, 2007,Are pheromones detected through the main olfactory epithelium? Mol Neurobiol,35:317-23.

19. Wang Z,* Miyake T, Edwards SV, Amemiya CT, 2006,Tuatara (Sphenodon) genomics: BAC library construction, sequence survey, and application to the DMRT gene family. J Hered,97(6):541-8.

20. Wang Z,* Storm DR, 2006, Extraction of DNA from mouse tails,Biotechniques,41(4):410,412.

21. Wang Z,* Farmer K, Hill GE, Edwards SV, 2006, A cDNA macroarray approach to parasite-induced gene expression changes in a songbird host: genetic response of house finches to experimental infection by Mycoplasma gallisepticum.Mol Ecol,15(5):1263-73.

22. Wang Z,* Baker AJ, Hill GE, Edwards SV, 2003,Reconciling actual and inferred population histories in the house finch (Carpodacus mexicanus) by AFLP analysis.Evolution, 57 (12):2852-64.

23. Lin CH, Hansen S,Wang Z, Storm DR, Tapscott SJ, Olson JM, 2005,The dosage of the neuroD2 transcription factor regulates amygdala development and emotional learning. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A,102:14877-82.


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