




  • 个人简介



主要从事DNA损伤修复与癌症发生及糖基化修饰在肿瘤发生发展中的调控作用方面的工作。主持和参加各类项目十余项。在国内外学术刊物上发表论文50余篇,其中在EMBO reports,Nucleic Acids Research,Cancer Letters等国际知名学术期刊上发表30余篇论文。授权国家发明专利1项。



2004.08-2007.06 军事医学科学院基础医学研究所遗传学专业学习,获理学博士学位

1999.09-2002.06 河北大学生命科学学院动物学专业学习,获理学硕士学位

1995.09-1999.06 河北大学生物系生物学专业学习,获理学学士学位


2002.07-2007.12 河北大学 生命科学学院 教师/讲师

2008.12-2013.12 河北大学 生命科学学院 教师/副教授

2013.12-至今 河北大学 生命科学学院 教师/教授

2014.3-2015.03 美国Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 访问学者

2017.01-2018.01 美国City of Hope Medical Center 访问学者


1. 蛋白质组学(本科生)

2. 蛋白质组学技术和分析实践(本科生)

3. 蛋白质组学(研究生)

4. 生命科学前沿研究(研究生)

5. 生物医药技术与研究进展(研究生)


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“O-GlcNAc糖基化可逆修饰调控非同源末端连接介导的DNA双链断裂修复的机制研究(项目编号:No.32071277,2021.01-2024.12,58万元)”,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“GALNT14介导异常O-糖基化调控乳腺癌侵袭转移的分子机制(项目编号:No.31670812,2017.01-2020.12,65万元)”,主持

3. 河北省自然科学基金面上项目“糖苷酶OGA调控DNA损伤修复的分子机制及其抑制剂的抗肿瘤作用研究(项目编号:C2021201012,2021.01-2023.12,10万元)”,主持

4. 河北省自然科学基金面上项目“GALNT14的亚细胞定位及新底物调控乳腺癌恶性进展的分子机制(项目编号:C2018201171,2018.01-2020.12,6万元)”,主持

5. 河北省人才引智项目“DKC1调控谷胱甘肽代谢在肿瘤发生发展中的作用研究(2024.1-2024.12,10万元)”,主持


1. Sun, X.R.#, Gao, C.W.#, Xu, X., Li, M.Y. Zhao, X.H., Wang, Y.N., Wang, Y., Zhang, S., Yan, Z.Z*., Liu, X.H*.,Wu, C*. 2023. FBL promotes cancer cell resistance to DNA damage by transcriptionally regulating BRCA1 via YBX1.EMBO Reports. 24(9):e56230. (中科院一区, IF:7.7)

2. Yang, X.Y.#, Wang, J.X.#, Li, S.M.#, Li, X.B. Gong, J.J. Yan, Z.Z. Zhou, H.,Wu, C.*, Liu, X.H*. 2023. Structural and biochemical insights into the molecular mechanism of TRPT1 for nucleic acid ADP-ribosylation.Nucleic Acids Research, 51(14):7649-7665. (中科院二区TOP,IF:14.9)

3. Ma, Y.L.#, Wang, J.X.#, He, X.Y., Liu, Y.H., Zhen, S., An, L.N., Yang, Q., Niu, F.M., Wang, H., An, B.R., Tai, X.Y., Yan, Z.Z.,Wu, C*., Yang, X.Y*., Liu, X.H*. 2023. Molecular mechanism of human ISG20L2 for the ITS1 clea vag e in the processing of 18S precursor ribosomal RNA.Nucleic Acids Research, gkad1210.(中科院二区TOP,IF:14.9)

4. Yan, Z.Z., Dai, J.W., Wang, J.Y., Feng, Q.X., Wang, Y.G., Han, T.Y.,Wu, C*. 2023. RNF167-mediated ubiquitination of Tollip inhibits TNF-α-triggered NF-κB and MAPK activation.FASEB Journal, 37(8):e23089. (中科院二区Top,IF:4.8)

5. Ma, X.Y.#, Li, M.Y.#, Liu, Y.#, Zhang, X.F.#, Yang, X.Y., Wang, Y., Li, Y.P., Wang, J.Y., Liu, X.H., Yan, Z.Z*., Yu, X.C*.,Wu, C*. 2023. ARTC1-mediated VAPB ADP-ribosylation regulates calcium homeostasis.Journal of Molecular Cell Biology, 28:mjad043. (中科院二区,IF:5.5)

6. Wang H.#, Xie R.#, Niu F., Yang Q., An L.,Wu C.*, Liu X.*, Yang X.*. Structural and biochemical insights into the interaction mechanism underlying HORMAD1 and its partner proteins. 2023Structure. 11;51(14):7649-7665. (中科院二区,IF:5.7)

7. Li, M.Y.#, Li, J.#, Wang Y.B.#, Zhao J.X., Yuan A.Y., Dong W.D., Kong L.L., Dong S.W., Qin W.J., Yang Y.G., Wang X.H.,Wu, C*., Li,J*. 2023. DNA damage-induced YTHDC1 O-GlcNAcylation promotes homologous recombination by enhancing m6A binding. Fundamental Research, 10.1016/j.fmre.2023.04.017. (中科院三区,IF:6.2)

8. Wu, J., Xie, S., Xu, X., Zhou, Z., Zhou, L., Wei, C., Li, X.,Wu, C.*, Chen, H.* 2023. One-Pot Synthesis of Fused Tetrahydroquinoline-Iminosugar Derivatives.European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 26, e202300915.(中科院三区,IF:2.8)

9. Li Z.#, Li G.#, Li Y.#, Luo Y., Jiang Y., Zhang Z., Zhou Z., Liu S.,Wu C.*, You F.* Deubiquitinase OTUD6A Regulates Innate Immune Response via Targeting UBC13.Viruses. 2023 18;15(8):1761.(中科院三区,IF:4.7)

10. Xie, R.#, Yan, Z.Z.#, Jing, J.#, Wang, Y.K., Zhang, J.J., Li, Y.P., Liu, X.H*., Yu, X.C*.,Wu, C*. 2022. Functional defects of cancer-associated MDC1 mutations in DNA damage repair.DNA Repair, 114: 103330. (中科院三区,IF:3.8)

11. Yan, Z.Z.#, Ge, X.L.#, Wang J.X., Xu F., Li M.Y., Liu, X.H*., Yu, X.C*.,Wu, C*. 2022. The impact of TOPBP1 mutations in human cancers on the DNA damage response.Genome Instability & Disease, 3: 144-162.

12. Zhang, J.J.#, Yan, Z.Z.#, Wang, Y.K., Wang, Y.G., Guo. X., Jing, J., Dong, X.N., Dong, S.S., Liu, X.H*., Yu, X.C*.,Wu, C*. 2021. Cancer-associated 53BP1 mutations induce DNA damage repair defects.Cancer Letters, 501: 43-54.(中科院一区Top,IF:9.756)

13. Cui, Y.Q., Xie, R., Zhang, X.F., Liu, Y., Hu, Y.X., Li, Y., Liu, X.H*., Yu, X.C*.,Wu, C*. 2021. OGA is associated with deglycosylation of NONO and the KU complex during DNA damage repair.Cell Death & Disease, 12(7): 622.(中科院一区Top,IF:9.696)

14. Wu, C.#, Cui, Y.Q.#, Liu, X.H., Zhang, F., Lu, L.Y., Yu*, X.C. 2020. The RNF20/40 complex regulates p53-dependent gene transcription and mRNA splicing.Journal of Molecular Cell Biology, 12(2): 113-124. (中科院二区,IF: 8.185)

15. Yang, X.Y., Ma, Y.L., Li, Y.M., Dong, Y.T., Yu, L.L., Wang, H., Guo,L.L.,Wu, C*.,Yu, X.C*., Liu, X.H*. 2020. Molecular basis for the MacroD1-mediated hydrolysis of ADP-ribosylation.DNA Repair, 94: 102899. (中科院二区,IF:4.913)

16. Wang, J.X.#, Yuan, Z.L.#, Cui, Y.Q.#, Xie, R., Yang, G., Kassab, M.A., Wang, M.X., Ma, Y.L.,Wu, C., Yu, X.C*., Liu, X.H*. 2018. Molecular basis for the inhibition of the methyl-lysine binding function of 53BP1 by TIRR,Nature Communications, 9: 2698. (中科院一区,IF:11.878)

17. Wang, X.F., Wang, X.M., Liu, Y., Dong, Y.T., Wang, Y.A., Kassab, M.A., Fan, W.F., Yu, X.C*.,Wu, C*. 2018. LGR5 regulates gastric adenocarcinoma cell proliferation and invasion via activating Wnt signaling pathway.Oncogenesis, 7: 57. (中科院二区,IF:5.995)

18. 闫珍珍#,杨肖云#,王亚光,刘秀华*,吴琛*. ADP-核糖基化可逆修饰在DNA损伤应答及癌症治疗中的研究进展[J].中国科学:生命科学, 2021, 51(9):1218-1228.


1. 吴琛刘秀华陈华闫珍珍杨肖云崔亚琦谢蓉. OGA抑制剂在制备抗肿瘤药物中的应用. ZL202010885117.8.




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