




  • 个人简介


2005年-2009年 工学博士 大连理工大学 环境与生命学院

2001年-2004年 农学硕士 河北农业大学 农学院

1997年-2001年 农学学士 河北农业大学 农学院


2024- 今,    教  授       河北大学    生命科学学院

2019-2020年,  访问学者  美国印第安纳州普渡大学 农学院

2018 度,   西藏支教    西藏农牧学院    食品学院

2012-2024年,   副教授      河北大学     生命科学学院

2011-2012年,   讲  师       河北大学    生命科学学院

2009-2011年,   博士后       河北农业大学  作物学流动站






1. 分子生物学与分子生物学实验(本科生)

2. 农业技术与三农政策(研究生)

3. 植物学研究进展(研究生)


1. 2024-2027年,主持河北省自然基金面上项目,转录因子PdCBP60E介导沙林杨抗光肩星


2. 2024-2027年,主持内蒙古自治区“揭榜挂帅”项目“内蒙古河套平原高标准农田防护林体系建设集成技术与示范”子课


3. 2023-2026年,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,PdPLR2基因介导沙林杨抗虫作用机制的研究,项目号:32271891。

4. 2022-2025年,主持河北省引进留学人员资助项目,根瘤菌与氧化石墨烯复合型物在大豆抵御盐碱胁迫中的作用机制研究,


5. 2020-2022年,主持河北省自然基金面上项目,转录因子HrWRKY53介导沙棘抗绕实蝇的作用机制,


6. 2019-2021年,主持教育部“春晖计划”合作项目,沙棘果实中药用天然产物及其生物活性研究。

7. 2018-2020年,主持河北省教育厅项目,棉花非生物胁迫应答转录因子GhWRKY72的鉴定及功能分析,


8. 2013-2015年,主持河北省青年自然科学基金项目,獐茅高亲和性钾离子转运蛋白基因(AlHAK1)在棉花中的功能分析,


9. 2010-2011年,主持河北省博士后资金项目,棉花抗黄萎病相关基因(GbVe)功能鉴定;

10. 2024年,主持横向项目:不同基因型玉米抗倒伏性能指标鉴定及其分析,项目编号:070010/070909924025。

11. 2024年,主持横向项目:元宝枫细蛾雌雄性信息素研究,项目编号:070010/070909924042。


1. Menghang Cheng, Mengnan Li, Yunmei Zhang, Xuyang Gu, Wenshan Gao, Shuling Zhang*, Jianfeng Liu*. Exploring the mechanism of PPCPs on human metabolic diseases based on network toxicology and molecular docking. Environment International, 2025, 196: 109324.

2. Jiayu Luo, Pengpeng Shao, Zuoxiang Sun, Shuang Li, Dandan Cao, Lijun Dong, Jianrong Wei, Jianfeng Liu*. PdPLR1 effectively enhances resistance of Populus deltoideshalinyangto Anoplophora glabripennis by positive regulation of lignan synthesis. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2024, 214:18944.

3. Lin Zhao, Dandan Cao, Zhi Su, Xiaohong Fu,Yanyan Li, Jianfeng Liu*. HrTPS12 gene dramatically enhanced insect resistance of sea buckthorn to infection by fruit fly (Rhagoletis batava obseuriosa Kol.). Pest Management Science, 2023,79: 4172–4185.

4. Shuling Zhang, Lijun Dong, Lin Zhao, Lizhu Wu, Xingfen Wang, Jianfeng Liu*. The transcription factor GhWRKY70 from gossypium hirsutum enhances resistance to verticillium wilt via the jasmonic acid pathway. BMC Plant Biology (2023) 23:141.

5. Xiaohong Fu, Dahong Bian, Xuyang Gu, Jinfeng Cao and Jianfeng Liu*. Combination of graphene oxide and rhizobium improved soybean tolerance in saline-alkali stress. Agronomy, 2023, 13, 1637.

6. Jianfeng Liu, Runxia Feng, Xiaohong Fu, Jie Zhao, Sufang Zhang, Jianjun Wang, Xiaoyi Wang and Jianrong Wei. Lignans dramatically enhance the resistance of Fraxinus velutina Torr. by adjusting the dominant bacterium group of Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire. Pest Management Science, 2022,78(4):1386-1397.

7.  Lin Zhao, Wei Wang, Xiaohong Fu, An Liu, Jinfeng Cao and Jianfeng Liu*. Graphene oxide, a novel nanomaterial as soil water retention agent, dramatically enhances drought stress tolerance in soybean plants, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13:810905.

8. Ying Yao, Lijun Dong, Xiaohong Fu, Lin Zhao, Jianrong Wei, Jinfeng Cao, Yongyuan Sun, Jianfeng Liu*. HrTCP20 dramatically enhance drought tolerance of sea buckthorn  (Hippophae rhamnoides L). by mediating the JA signaling pathway. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2022, 174 (2022):51-62.

9. Liu JF, Wang ZY, Zhao J, Lin Zhao L, Wei JR. HrCYP90B1 modulating brassinosteroid biosynthesis in, sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) against fruit fly (Rhagoletis batava obseuriosa Kol.) infection. Tree Physiology, 2021, 41(3), 444-459.

10. Wang ZY, Feng RX, Zhang X, Su Z, Wei JR, Liu JF*. Characterization of the Hippophae rhamnoides WRKY gene family and functional analysis of the role of the HrWRKY21 gene in resistance to abiotic stresses. Genome, 2019, 62(10):689-703.

11. Liu HR, Zhang SL, Liu JF*. Physiological and molecular responses to drought and salinityin soybean, Biologia plantarum, 2017, 61 (3): 557-564.

12. Liu HR, Song JH, Zhang SL Liu JF*. Physiological responses of three soybean species (Glycine soja, G. gracilis, and G. max cv. Melrose) to salinity stress. Journal Plant Research2017, 130:723-733.

13. Liu Jianfeng, Dong Lijun, Liu Haoran Zhang Shuling. Molecular characters and different expression of WRKY1 gene from Gossypium barbadense L. and Gossypium hirsutum L. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 2016, 30 (6):1051-1058.

14. Liu JF*, Zhang SL, Tang HL, Wu LZ, Dong LJ, Liu LD, Che WL. Overexpression of an Aeluropus littoralis Parl. potassium transporter gene, AlHAK1, in cotton enhances potassium uptake and salt tolerance, Euphytica, 2015, 203 (1):197-209.

15. Liu JF*, Zhang SL, Dong LJ, Chu JZ. Introduction of a Na+/H+ antiporter gene from Aeluropus littoralis confers salt tolerance in soybean, Indian J Biochem Bio., 2014, 51(2):58-65.

16. Jianfeng Liu, Xingfen Wang, Zhiying Ma. Efficiency of phosphorus utilization in phyA-expressing cotton lines, Indian J Biochem Bio, 2012,49(4)250-256.

17. Jianfeng Liu, Jun Ma, Xingfen Wang, Zhiying Ma. Agrobacterium-mediated    transformation of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) with a fungal phytase gene improves phosphorus acquisition. Euphytica, 2011, 181(1):31-40.

18. Jianfeng Liu, Jun Ma, Xingfen Wang, Zhiying Ma. Biolistic transformation of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) with phyA gene from Aspergillus ficuum. Plant Cell Tiss. Organ. Cult., 2011, 106(2):207-214.

19. Jianfeng Liu, Qiao Su, Lijia An, Aifu Yang. Transfer of a minimal linear marker-free and vector-free smGFP cassette into soybean via ovary-drip transformation. Biotechnol. Lett., 2009, 31 (2):295-303.


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