




  • 个人简介


2005年-2009年 工学博士 大连理工大学 环境与生命学院

2001年-2004年 农学硕士 河北农业大学 农学院

1997年-2001年 农学学士 河北农业大学 农学院


2019年-2020年, 访问学者 美国印第安纳州普渡大学 农学院

2018年 , 西藏支教 林芝农牧学院 食品学院

2012年-至 今, 副教授 河北大学 生命科学学院

2011年-2012年, 讲师 河北大学 生命科学学院

2009年-2011年, 博士后 河北农业大学 作物学流动站













1. Jianfeng Liu, Runxia Feng, Xiaohong Fu, Jie Zhao, Sufang Zhang, Jianjun Wang, Xiaoyi Wang and Jianrong Wei, Lignans dramatically enhance the resistance of Fraxinus velutina Torr. by adjusting the dominant bacterium group of Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire. Pest Management Science, 2022,78(4):1386-1397.

2. Lin Zhao, Wei Wang, Xiaohong Fu, An Liu, Jinfeng Cao and Jianfeng Liu*, Graphene oxide, a novel nanomaterial as soil water retention agent, dramatically enhances drought stress tolerance in soybean plants, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13:810905.

3. Ying Yao, Lijun Dong, Xiaohong Fu, Lin Zhao, Jianrong Wei, Jinfeng Cao, Yongyuan Sun, Jianfeng Liu*. HrTCP20 dramatically enhance drought tolerance of sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L). by mediating the JA signaling pathway. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2022, 174 (2022):51-62.

4. Liu JF, Wang ZY, Zhao J, Lin Zhao L, Wei JR. HrCYP90B1 modulating brassinosteroid biosynthesis in, sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) against fruit fly (Rhagoletis batava obseuriosa Kol.) infection. Tree Physiology, 2021, 41(3), 444-459.

5. Wang ZY, Feng RX, Zhang X, Su Z, Wei JR, Liu JF*. Characterization of the Hippophae rhamnoides WRKY gene family and functional analysis of the role of the HrWRKY21 gene in resistance to abiotic stresses. Genome, 2019, 62(10):689-703.

5. Liu HR, Zhang SL, Liu JF*. Physiological and molecular responses to drought and salinityin soybean, Biologia plantarum, 2017, 61 (3): 557-564.

6. Liu HR, Song JH, Zhang SL Liu JF*. Physiological responses of three soybean species (Glycine soja, G. gracilis, and G. max cv. Melrose) to salinity stress. Journal Plant Research,2017, 130:723-733.

7. Liu JF, Dong LJ, Liu Haoran Zhang Shuling. Molecular characters and different expression of WRKY1 gene from Gossypium barbadense L. and Gossypium hirsutum L. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 2016, 30 (6):1051-1058.

8. Liu JF*, Zhang SL, Tang HL, Wu LZ, Dong LJ, Liu LD, Che WL. Overexpression of an Aeluropus littoralis Parl. potassium transporter gene, AlHAK1, in cotton enhances potassium uptake and salt tolerance, Euphytica, 2015, 203 (1):197-209.

9. Liu JF*, Zhang SL, Dong LJ, Chu JZ. Introduction of a Na+/H+ antiporter gene from Aeluropus littoralis confers salt tolerance in soybean, Indian J Biochem Bio., 2014, 51(2):58-65.

10. Jianfeng Liu, Xingfen Wang, Zhiying Ma. Efficiency of phosphorus utilization in phyA-expressing cotton lines, Indian J Biochem Bio, 2012,49(4):250-256.

11. Jianfeng Liu, Jun Ma, Xingfen Wang, Zhiying Ma. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) with a fungal phytase gene improves phosphorus acquisition. Euphytica, 2011, 181(1):31-40.

12. Jianfeng Liu, Jun Ma, Xingfen Wang, Zhiying Ma. Biolistic transformation of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) with phyA gene from Aspergillus ficuum. Plant Cell Tiss. Organ. Cult., 2011, 106(2):207-214.

13. Jianfeng Liu, Qiao Su, Lijia An, Aifu Yang.Transfer of a minimal linear marker-free and vector-free smGFP cassette into soybean via ovary-drip transformation. Biotechnol. Lett., 2009, 31 (2):295-303.


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