


地址:河北省保定市五四东路180号,河北大学 生命科学学院


  • 个人简介




目前主持省部级、校级课题5项,在International Journal of Biological Macromolecules、Science of the total environment、Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety等期刊发表SCI论文20余篇,第一或通讯作者SCI论文10余篇。


2014.09-2019.06 山东大学 环境科学专业, 获工学博士学位

2010.09-2014.06 山东大学 环境科学与工程专业,获工学学士学位


2019.09-至今 河北大学生命科学学院 校聘副教授




1. Xinyu Ni; Yudie Lu; Meiyu Li; Yue Liu; Miao Zhang; Fuqiang Sun; Sijun Dong*; Lining Zhao* Application of Se-Met to CdTe QDs significantly reduces toxicity by modulating redox balance and inhibiting apoptosis,Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2023, 267: 115614.

2. Nana Ma; Yudie Lu; Jing Wang; Xueyou Liang; Sijun Dong; Lining Zhao*,Role of CdTe quantum dots on peripheral Immunocytes and selenoprotein P: immunotoxicity at the molecular and cellular levels,Toxicology Research, 2023, 12(6): 1041-1050.

3. Zongshan Zhao; Haimei Li; Jiaqiang Yao; Jing Lan; Yan Bao;Lining Zhao; Wansong Zong; Qing Zhang; Henner Hollert; Xingchen Zhao,Binding of Tetrabromobisphenol A and S to Human Serum Albumin Is Weakened by Coexisting Nanoplastics and Environmental Kosmotropes,Environmental Science & Technology, 2023 Mar 21;57(11):4464-4470.

4. Nana Ma; Diao Ma; Xia Liu;Lining Zhao; Lei Ma; Dan Ma; Sijun Dong, Bisphenol P exposure in C57BL/6 mice caused gut microbiota dysbiosis and induced intestinal barrier disruption via LPS/TLR4/NF-κB signaling pathway, Environment International, 2023 May:175:107949.

5. Xinyu Ni; Miao Zhang; Jing Zhang; Zhen Zhang; Sijun Dong*; Lining Zhao*, Molecular mechanism of two functional protein structure changes under 2,3-butanedione-induced oxidative stress and apoptosis effects in the hepatocytes, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2022 Oct 1:218:969-980.

6. Xingchen Zhao; Penghui Li; Shanjun Song; Huiyu Wang;Lining Zhao; Wansong Zong; Haiyan Zhang; Guangbo Qu; Ligang Hu; Zongwei Cai; Guibin Jiang, Molecular structural heterogeneity of bisphenols governs their serum albumin binding, Science of The Total Environment, 2021,781,146499.

7. 陈博,赵立宁*,董四君*,白洋淀生态环境的演变,中国科学·生命科学,2021,51(9):1274-1286.

8. Hao Zhang; Lingyu Luan; Mengjiao Bi;Lining Zhao; Lin Yuan; Jia Feng; Rutao Liu, In vivo and in vitro studies on inactivation of selenium containing protein- glutathione peroxidase 3 in mice nephrocytes caused by lead, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2020,203,111008.

9. Lining Zhao; Zihan Guo; Hongxin Wu; Yan Wang; Hao Zhang*; Rutao Liu*, New insights into the release mechanism of Cd2+ from CdTe quantum dots within single cellsin situ, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2020,196:110569.

10. Lining Zhao;Wansong Zong; Hao Zhang*; Rutao Liu*, Kidney Toxicity and Response of Selenium Containing Protein-glutathione Peroxidase (Gpx3) to CdTe QDs on Different Levels, 2019,1(168):201-208.

11. Lining Zhao;Dandan Guo; Jing Lin; Rutao Liu*,Responses of catalase and superoxide dismutase to low-dose quantum dots on molecular and cellular levels,Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019,181:388-394.

12. Lining Zhao;Hao Zhang; Jing Zhang; Wansong Zong; Rutao Liu*, Spectroscopic characterization, calorimetric study and molecular docking to evaluate the bioconjugation of maltol with hemoglobin, Luminscence, 2019,2(34):290-296.


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